Applying the Jurisprudential Principle of Lā Ḍarar (No Harm) on the Promotion of Yoga

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Religions and Comparative Mysticism, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Today, yoga has gained worldwide fame. The father of yoga science in Iran says that yoga is not just a sport. It seems that when people of other religions use yoga, Hindu beliefs appear consciously or unconsciously in the background of their minds. Therefore, the outward and practical form of yoga cannot be considered a physical exercise or exercise without any intellectual or ideological pass-precipice. The purpose of this research is to investigate the application of the jurisprudential principles of lā ḍarar on the promotion of yoga. This research is a type of descriptive and analytical research; and the method of collecting materials and information in this research is a library (documents) and in the present research, an indexing method was also used. According to the principles of lā ḍarar, practicing yoga in the absence of experienced teachers can cause significant physical harm to people. There are many spiritual, religious, cultural, social and intellectual losses in yoga and its promotion in the society. Among the other cases of application of this principle is that a yogi is not a person of jihad and fighting against the enemy, because he seeks peace, and such a person does not seek jihad for the sake of Allah and fight against the enemies of Islam. Also, according to the principle of "Ahimsa", a yogi should not cause any harm to others and animals (absolutely), and this principle is against the principle of jihad and fighting against the enemies of Islam and land invaders and killing the warriors.


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