Shariah Law Taste (Madhāq al-sharī‘a) and Women Assuming Public Offices

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher of Mabna Research Center, Ph, D, Student of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Farabi College, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.

2 Faculty Member of Mabna Research Center (Instructor), Ph, D, Student of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Farabi College, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.


The field of jurisprudence based on madhāq al-sharī‘a (religious law taste) in inferential processes comprises of various issues, the possibility or impossibility of holding provincial positions by women is one of these topics. The main question is, “What truth would the exploration of madhāq al-sharī‘a present?” In response to such a question, the upcoming research, focusing on library references, will first define and recognize the madhāq al-sharī‘a, as well as how to create a rule by its means, and will discuss and examine the validity of its authenticity; finally, from its analytical point of view, while resorting to historical and jurisprudential citations and criticizing the source-like approach of Sharia as an independent reason in establishing a rule, it questioned the jurisprudential argument of definitively discovering the will of Shariah in denying women tenure and considers it lacking the necessary strength in deriving rulings.


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