The term "civil disobedience" refers to an action that violates the law in a legitimate government and is a loud cry of protest raised by citizens who believe the rulers' decision is incorrect. This research is intended to examine the jurisprudence regarding civil disobedience in a legitimate government. This qualitative study utilized the library method and relied on valid jurisprudential analyses in Shi’a jurisprudence. It is the author's belief that, firstly, there is a substantive difference between "civil disobedience" and other jurisprudential concepts; and, secondly, on the basis of the jurisprudential evidence, the "primary verdict" of civil disobedience is "permission". Thirdly, the first sentence of civil disobedience can be changed to "unauthorized" by raising subtopics such as "disturbance of the system." And fourthly, according to the generalities of "liability", the victim should be considered responsible for damage caused by civil disobedience.
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Mahdifar, M. (2023). Jurisprudential Study of Civil Disobedience in Legitimate State. Jurisprudence the Essentials of the Islamic Law, 55(2), 493-475. doi: 10.22059/jjfil.2023.348237.669425
Mohammad Mahdifar. "Jurisprudential Study of Civil Disobedience in Legitimate State", Jurisprudence the Essentials of the Islamic Law, 55, 2, 2023, 493-475. doi: 10.22059/jjfil.2023.348237.669425
Mahdifar, M. (2023). 'Jurisprudential Study of Civil Disobedience in Legitimate State', Jurisprudence the Essentials of the Islamic Law, 55(2), pp. 493-475. doi: 10.22059/jjfil.2023.348237.669425
Mahdifar, M. Jurisprudential Study of Civil Disobedience in Legitimate State. Jurisprudence the Essentials of the Islamic Law, 2023; 55(2): 493-475. doi: 10.22059/jjfil.2023.348237.669425