Seemingly carriage contract in commerce law is a contract including suspension in initiative. This does not mean that contract between consignor and carrier is a contract suspended in initiative but seemingly this contract contains a pledge in favor and a task in detriment of third person i.e. consignee and conclusion of this pledge and task as a contract depends on his acceptance. This acceptance does not affix that pledge or task on conclusion of contract between consignor and carrier but can affix after sending bill of lading or receipt to him or after cargo arrival in destination with demand from the consignee or with notice to him to refer for receipt of cargo. With availability of suspension’s subject and acceptance of pledge and task, the relationship between carrier and consignee concludes. Suspension in initiative can be seen as well in agreement for decrease or increase of damages from full price of cargo. As at the time of that agreement damages are not yet sustained, its conclusion at the moment of carriage contract’s conclusion faces difficulty. In this connection, it can be said that as cause of damage has been created by the carriage contract, so agreement about it is possible. However, this argument is skeptical whereas seemingly resort to suspension in initiative is a better solution to this problem. The present research analysis besides proving the accuracy of its theories, leads to unveiling of various new instances of precise rulings about suspension in initiative.
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Gholizadeh Manghutay, A. (2023). A Legal Analysis of Suspension in Initiative in Commercial Carriage Contracts. Jurisprudence the Essentials of the Islamic Law, 55(2), 407-387. doi: 10.22059/jjfil.2023.343371.669366
Ahad Gholizadeh Manghutay. "A Legal Analysis of Suspension in Initiative in Commercial Carriage Contracts", Jurisprudence the Essentials of the Islamic Law, 55, 2, 2023, 407-387. doi: 10.22059/jjfil.2023.343371.669366
Gholizadeh Manghutay, A. (2023). 'A Legal Analysis of Suspension in Initiative in Commercial Carriage Contracts', Jurisprudence the Essentials of the Islamic Law, 55(2), pp. 407-387. doi: 10.22059/jjfil.2023.343371.669366
Gholizadeh Manghutay, A. A Legal Analysis of Suspension in Initiative in Commercial Carriage Contracts. Jurisprudence the Essentials of the Islamic Law, 2023; 55(2): 407-387. doi: 10.22059/jjfil.2023.343371.669366