Analysis of the Ruling of Khīyār al-Majlis Regarding a Juridical Person and its Agent

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Level4 Scholar of Jurisprudence and Principles, Professor of Qum Islamic Seminary

2 Assistant Professor of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Law Department of Hakim Sabzevari University;


Discussions on juridical persons can be seen in the works of jurists and legal scholars; however, topics such as khīyārāt (right to withdraw from contracts) haven’t been paid as much attention to, particularly khīyār al-majlis (the option of withdrawing from the contract while the two parties are still at the place of transaction) which we haven’t found any previous research on. This article analyzes the right to khīyār al-majlis for the juridical person and its agent from two angles. First, whether the textual evidence establishing this right extends to and encompasses juridical persons. Secondly, whether the condition of not leaving the place of transaction can impede a juridical person obtaining this right. Examining this issue required extensive research via a library research method, by collecting and evaluating jurisprudential & uṣūlī propositions & judgements. We conclude that such a right is established, and the condition of being at the place of contract cannot impede this right.



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