The Professional Covenant of Lawyers and its Violation from the Perspective of Shari’a and Law

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor Shahid Motahari University


Lawyers, as executors of justice, have an important role to play in regard to the preservation of law in society. Therefore, the lawyer and the judge are famous for being the angel of justice. Advocacy is an art and a lawyer is an artist who defends his legal, moral and professional duties in the society and develops a culture of rights. The lawyer pledges with his conscience not to deviate from the path of nature and makes a pact with the client to defend him and to the community of jurists and lawyers they pledge to abide by the law and consider fair treatment.
The Professional Covenant on Advocacy is in fact a set of do's and don'ts that a lawyer has sworn in and must use in practice to prevent the legal profession from harm. Some of these statements, such as the independence of a lawyer, are not legally enforceable, but some are legally enforceable, which interprets them as disciplinary violations.


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