The criminal dimensions of the FATF from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence and law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 aAssistant Prof, Department of jurisprudence and the foundations of Islamic law group, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. in Jurisprudence and the essentials of Islamic law, University of Tehran


Background and Aim: The issue of the Islamic Republic of Iran joining the FATF (Joint Financial Action Task Force) has become one of the most challenging issues in Iran's foreign policy. The group has submitted more than forty recommendations and requests to the Islamic Republic of Iran in the legislature, including criminalizing money laundering and terrorist financing. This study seeks to jurisprudentially and legally review the recommendations and offer suggestions on how the Iranian political and legislative system should act towards them. Research method: the research is descriptive, analytical and inferential and data collection has been done through library search.
Findings: First: According to verses, hadiths and jurisprudential arguments, money laundering and terrorist financing are forbidden; Second: The group's views on the definition and examples of terrorism and how to fight them are contrary to Islamic principles and rules and national interests and the constitution; Third: According to the provisions of the relevant conventions, the possibility of using the right of bet by Iran is ambiguous and doubtful; Fourth: Accession to the relevant conventions is not correct according to the rules of jurisprudence and law and is considered interference in the country's legislative system.
Results: Within the framework of the Islamic ruling authority and in the form of some limited crimes and government sanctions, money laundering and financing of terrorism can be criminalized and punished. Therefore, it is necessary for them to be criminalized independently and within the framework of Islamic principles and rules and national interests in the Islamic parliament.


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