A Principled Critique on Juristic (Legal) Operation

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, The Law Department of Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch, Iran;


Islam is very strict and rigorous to adjudication and very careful about verdicts and therefore tries to prevent injustice in judgment and encourages the Judicial System to further inquire to clarify the truth and bring the system to realism and prevent negligence. For this reason, Islam does not accept judgments based on speculation. Hence, the legal system must scrutinize and consider carefully; in addition, it must mobilize all its efforts and facilities to reach the truth to have a just and correct judgment and take care that nothing (intentionally or unintentionally) invalidates the verdict. The diagnostic board and the judicial board must also comply with this order; therefore, for the issuance of a vote, all members must reach a single opinion in a joint meeting or meetings and announce it to be the final opinion, and they must refrain from approving the opinion of one or two members without investigation and negotiation. The judiciary which is collectively generic should announce the opinion of the unit in conjunction with and after the necessary examination, rather than endorsing and signing the opinion of one of the members without a joint plan and sufficient research and knowledge.


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