Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Criminal Laws in the Islamic Legal System and the Iranian Statute

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Criminal Law and Criminology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch

2 Associate Professor, Jurisprudence and Philosophy Department, Faculty of Theology, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University

3 Ph.D. Student of Private Law of Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch,


In this research, we have tried to answer the question in a descriptive-analytic method that, considering the principle of territory competency principle of penal rules as well as protection of national governance, whether recognition and execution of foreign penal decisions in the governance territory of an Islamic country, specially Iran, is possible or not? The writers believe that to reply to such questions in view of Islamic law and considering Qur’anic verses and narrations, we could say that considering the principle of interaction and permission for execution of rules of other Revealed Religions in the governance territory of Islamic government and ward off rule could be a justification for execution of foreign penal decisions. In Iran too, review of related rules and judiciary cooperation agreements indicate that recognition and execution of foreign penal decisions has been accepted limitedly and conditionally for cases such as transfer of the condemned, determination of losses caused by the crime.


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