Is crime always a sin in Islamic government?

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aimed to determine whether a violation of the laws and regulations of the Islamic state which has been legally called crime is always considered a sin and the person who committed it is unfaithful according to religious law and shall be punished on the day of resurrection or is it merely "social and civil offenses" that are punishable by law? Investigating various principles about the nature of government orders and laws of Islamic state provides different answers to this question. This paper referred to three principles and outcomes as well as related verses and narrations. Verses and narrations imply that violation of religious laws of Sharia and the government orders of the Prophet and Shia's Imams and also the laws of the legitimate religious government during the period of major occultation is known as a sin, provided that such a violation being accounted as disobedience of God, the Prophet and the Shia Imams. But taking into account the violation of conventional laws such as those enacted in other countries to regulate social relations as sin is questionable, unless violation of these laws include disturbing social system, harming to others and opposing religious government.
This study aimed to determine whether a violation of the laws and regulations of the Islamic state which has been legally called crime is always considered a sin and the person who committed it is unfaithful according to religious law and shall be punished on the day of resurrection or is it merely "social and civil offenses" that are punishable by law? Investigating various principles about the nature of government orders and laws of Islamic state provides different answers to this question. This paper referred to three principles and outcomes as well as related verses and narrations. Verses and narrations imply that violation of religious laws of Sharia and the government orders of the Prophet and Shia's Imams and also the laws of the legitimate religious government during the period of major occultation is known as a sin, provided that such a violation being accounted as disobedience of God, the Prophet and the Shia Imams. But taking into account the violation of conventional laws such as those enacted in other countries to regulate social relations as sin is questionable, unless violation of these laws include disturbing social system, harming to others and opposing religious government.


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