The impact of governmental approach on Consumption imam’s dues in time of absence in view of contemporary Shia’s Fiqh al-eqtesad

Document Type : Research Paper


اPhD student of education and Four level in Howzeh of Qom;


This article reviews the impact of the governmental
approach on contemporary fogaha attitudes about
Consumption imam’s dues in time of absence, Given That
one of the major issues of Fiqh al-eqtesad is Consumption
imam’s dues in time of absence and In the last Century,
the Shia has fond gouvernemental approche to Fiqh, The
question arise that what impact has been this change in
approach to the issue of Consumption imam’s dues in time
of absence? To answer this question, change of the
approach in of the two schools of contemporary Shia’s
Fiqh (Najaf and Qom) has been studied by Descriptive and
explanatory described method.
The paper concluded that Najaf and Qom Schools of Fiqh
were tending to governmental approach and According to
this view beloved that imam’s dues provide part of the
Islamic state’s cost, Imam Khomeini initiated by the
governmental approach to Fiqh and some of his students
have followed this approach and then This tendency can
be found in the Najaf school And martyr Sadr were
inclined to consider this approach and developed by his


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