A reflective investigation on reasoning resources and method and advantages and shortcoming of Theologians' School



The Theologians School is one of the most famous theological schools among Sunnis, Mo’tazelah and Abaziye. Using a deductive manner and by clarifying cases and regardless of jurisprudence precepts, theological rules are set and developed in this school. The sources of research in this school include theological rules, theology, dialect, jurisprudence and the logic. The main strategies of this method are viewpoint and polemical manners. The school have positive and defendable features such as clarifying matters and neutrality in analysis, refining the data, freedom and autonomy in expressing views, overcoming principles on jurisprudences, paying attention to clarifying disagreements, deep and accurate discussion on problems and critical features such as non-relevant matters with jurisprudence principles, analyzing of matters without jurisprudence impacts, paying no attention to jurisprudence rules and exaggerating in stating assumptive reasoning and responding them.
